What Will Happen If You Drink Lemon Water For 2 Weeks

We recommend replacing your morning coffee with lemon water for at least 2 weeks. I am sure you’ll see lot of positive benefits to your energy, mood and health. Here is why:

Studies indicate that in cases where toxins have built up in the body, the lemon juice and peel have cleansing properties. Lemons are high in Vitamin C which is essential for normal growth and development. A single lemon contains around 30-40 mg of Vitamin C .

Vitamin C has been studied extensively and shown to have a myriad of health benefits from protecting against prenatal problems to cardiovascular disease, eye diseases, skin wrinkles, and immune system deficiencies. It acts as an antioxidant and helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. And that is not all.

Below we are going to show you some more healthy properties of lemon water: 

See All Benefit >> cocinandoconalena.blogspot.com
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