Maple Blueberry Pancake Cupcakes

This is overdue.

The blog has been on the back-burner to say the least.  You see, I've found a show.  Yes, after months of mourning that Desperate Housewives is officially off the air, running approximately three seasons behind in Grey's Anatomy (I'm sorry, I just can't watch the sixty episodes I've missed, so no more Grey's for me), and waiting out the current lull between Bachelor seasons, nothing has really intrigued me.  I've seen the occasional episode of Bing Bang Theory (I'm confused as to why this is funny), vaguely got into the new Matthew Perry show Go On (which is now being cancelled), and as much as I don't care for Charlie Sheen, Two and a Half Men just isn't the same.  So now my life pretty much consists of Friends reruns.

Sad life.

Until...The Walking Dead.  We've been running it in this house almost non-stop for the last week.  Started with season one and I'm officially sucked in.  So that's what I've been doing.  Watching zombies eat people, and it's been lovely.  But I thought I'd share a little somethin' somethin' with ya today.  A pancake morphed into cupcake! (like a human morphed into a walker! - i've got zombies on the brain).

I've spruced things up with a little maple extract and a dose of berries but you can leave both out or mix things up however you please (coconut extract and mini chocolate chips sounds divine).  However, let me warn you:  these are not your typical sweet, sugar-infused cupcake.  It is pancake batter in muffin form, therefore very little sugar is in the cake itself MUST top with maple syrup.  And it must be warm, says me.  I like to have a little bowl of hot syrup on the side and dunk each bite in sugary goodness.  Oh yes, pancakes for a snack.  I could get used to this.

Maple Blueberry Pancake Cupcakes

Makes 12 cupcakes

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups milk
2 eggs
2 tablespoons butter, melted and cooled
2 teaspoons maple extract
1 cup fresh blueberries

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Line a standard muffin pan with liners and then spray the liners with non-stick spray (important step! cakes will stick to the liners otherwise!).

Whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in a large bowl; set aside. In a separate medium bowl whisk together the milk and eggs, then stir in the melted and cooled butter and maple extract. Add the milk mixture to the dry ingredients and whisk together until just moistened and combined. Like pancakes, lumps are okay!  Fold in the blueberries.

Divide the batter between the muffin cups and bake until puffed and firm to the touch, about 12-14 minutes. Let cool for about 5 minutes and then remove cupcakes to a wire rack to cool completely.  Serve with warmed maple syrup!

Adapted from Brown Eyed Baker.
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