Barbecue Chicken Salad

Changes are taking place...

so that means you eat the same things.

Like pizza, and burgers, and frozen lasagna, and...chicken salad. 

I had absolutely no intention on sharing yet another chicken salad recipe with you at least until summer 2014, but then this happened and I simply couldn't resist.  I threw this together on a whim one day (several weeks ago, actually.  I've been MIA, if you haven't noticed.  Like I said though, there are some changes taking place in our lives- more on that at a later time, but no, I'm not bearing child) and it was love at first bite.  But we're kind of barbecue freaks in this house.  It's sweet and spicy and tangy and perfectly acceptable this labor day weekend.  And a heckuvalot more up my alley than smoking a brisket.


sorry, keeping it short today folks!  hopefully i'll be back in the blogging swing of things soon!

Barbecue Chicken Salad

1 large chicken breast, cooked and chopped
1 stick celery, chopped
1/4 cup red onion, diced
1/3 cup corn kernels
1/2 teaspoon italian seasoning
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons mayo
2 tablespoons barbecue sauce (I used Head Country Hot for a little kick!)

Combine chicken celery, onion, and corn.  Sprinkle with italian seasoning, salt, and pepper and toss.  Add in mayo and barbecue sauce; toss to coat.  Refrigerate for one hour or until ready to eat.

Chelsea Original :)
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