Cinnamon Apple Cake

I'm setting a record.

I verrrrrrrrry rarely make the same recipe more than once.  There are just too many goodies flooding the web and recipes sitting in the cookbooks in my kitchen and ideas floating through my head with potential to become an edible creation.  But I have been on a kick lately to share all of my tried and true favorites with you.  First my favorite banana bread, then the pumpkin cookies, followed by my go-to cornbread.  This here cake makes number four.  (btw this means it's delicious).

Now despite the fact that I have made this cake on a couple of other occasions, I had issues this time around.  So let me warn you: read the recipe ALL the way through.  Seriously.  Maybe it was just me but I had some major problems with the sugar.  (It gets divided and used in three different parts of the process- first in the batter, then tossed with the apples, then sprinkled on top).  I could not wrap my head around it for some reason and added too much cinnamon here/not enough sugar there...ugh!  Whatever.  It still turned out great and was as moist as I remember, so in the end...I win.

Oh, and as a favor to you I'm rewriting the recipe and directions so it's easier to follow.  You're welcome.

Cinnamon Apple Cake

Makes one 8x8-inch cake

1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup margarine, softened
3 ounces cream cheese, softened
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
large egg
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon salt

1/8 cup sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 large chopped and peeled apple (I used granny smith)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Beat sugar, brown sugar, margarine, and cream cheese at medium speed of a mixer until well-blended (about 4 minutes). Add eggs and vanilla, beating until mixed. Combine flour, cinnamon, baking powder, and salt. Add flour mixture to creamed mixture, beating at low speed until blended.

Combine 1/8 cup sugar and cinnamon. Combine 1 tablespoon cinnamon mixture and apple in a bowl, and stir apple mixture into batter. Pour batter into an 8-inch square pan coated with cooking spray, and sprinkle with remaining cinnamon mixture.

Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until the cake pulls away from the sides of the pan. Cool the cake completely on a wire rack.

Adapted from Cooking Light.
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