Thai Chicken Pizza

I've got the place to myself...

Yup, Nathan is out of town for a couple of days.

That means parking in the middle of the driveway and sleeping in the middle of the bed.  It means "secretly" sneaking things onto his Honey Do List and "secretly" catching up on trash tv (aka Bachelor Pad- don't hate) in the privacy of my own home.  It means maybe, just maybe, remaking a mini version of this crazy good pizza we ate last week at 10pm on a tuesday night.

Alllll for my single gal self.  Just because I can.  And because it's AMAZING. 
That deserved all caps.  

Smothered with sweet chili sauce "marinara", zucchini "pepperonis", chicken, cheese, and a sprinkling of fresh herbs I could eat this pie every night.  (p.s. it's even great as a single gal's pizza bagel, just fyi)

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