
Happy Birthday to me!

That's right!  Sunday is my birthday!  The big two six.  The other day I actually had to stop and think 'wait, am I turning 25 or 26?'.  Weird.

If you follow any blogs, you may have seen the 30-by-30 list before.  I have had the inspiration to create one of my own, however, mine will be a list of goals to accomplish over the next year (many of them food related, of course!).  I am calling this list 26-by-27:  26 things I hope to do before I turn 27 in 2013.  I'm feeling a little ambitious.

And so I give you, in great detail (because I just can't help it)....THE LIST :

1.  Revamp blog.  (I really want to change the look and do some other things I am trying to figure out as a newbie to the blogosphere.)

2.  Join an ongoing blog recipe challenge.  (i.e. Secret Recipe Club, Tuesdays with Dorie, etc.)

3.  Enter some sort of local food contest.

4.  Overcome my fear of the grill.  (We now have a grill, however I am a little afraid to attempt making something on it.  It's a bit out of my comfort zone.)

5.  Take a cake decorating class.

6.  Finally try quinoa.  (I gotta find out what this latest craze is all about.)

7.  Make something with a fresh coconut.

8.  Recreate the Perfect Margarita.  (The restaurant chain Red Rock Canyon Grill makes the best margarita EVER, fittingly titled The Perfect Margarita, and I need to know how to replicate one at home.)

9.  Make a bundt cake.  (The bundt pan was not my friend on Easter, destroying the look- but luckily not the taste!- of my strawberry orange cake.  I swore that day I would never make a bundt cake again but I can't let the pan win.)

10.  Make my Grandma Min's apple pie.  (As a little girl, I remember loving my grandma's apple pie and I need to recreate this fabulous dessert of hers.)

11.  Make my Grandma Audrey's spaghetti sauce.  (This was another favorite of mine growing up.  I already have the recipe, now it's just a matter of making it.)

12.  Find an awesome scone recipe.  (I actually made some scones a couple of days ago but Epic Fail they were.  I literally threw them in the trash- something unheard of in our house.  I have been searching high and low for a recipe that will not let my taste buds down.)

13.  Can something.  (I'm thinking jam but am open to suggestions.)

14.  Try a Corona-Rita.  (How did I never hear about this in college??)

15.  Make a special day trip to Dallas or Plano for Trader Joe's, Central Market, and Sur La Table.  (Dream Day!)...and maybe stop in Ikea while I'm in the area :)

16.  Attend a food festival.

17.  Take a trip.

18.  Go to Six Flags.  (It's been years since I've gone and now that we live so close I've gotta take advantage!)

19.  Reread The Happiness Project.  (Such an interesting and thought-provoking book.  A great reference for bettering yourself and loving life.  Highly recommended.)

20.  Read at least one book per month.  (I wish I could do more than this but there's just not enough time in the day.)

21.  Paint three rooms in the house.  (The guest room, office, and master bath to be exact.  Painting does wonders to a room.)

22.  Clean up flower beds in the backyard.  (I've done some planting in the front this summer, but I want to take advantage of the raised beds we have out back.)

23.  Buy an old piece of furniture and refinish it.  (Sounds like a fun and rewarding project!)

24.  Eat at one new restaurant each month.  (We like to eat at home after a long day and tend to have our favorite lunch spots but it's always fun to try something new- especially when we have an overwhelming amount of options.)

25.  Marry Nathan.  (We've been together for four years.  I think it's time.)

26.  You pick!  This is where I need you.  Please let me know your suggestions and I will choose one to accomplish!

P.S.  See that cake up there??  Recipe coming soon :)


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